Junior High EMS

Why this course?
Many junior high students feel overwhelmed by the increasing academic demands. Our program provides a supportive environment where students can gain confidence and build essential skills for high school.

What you'll gain:
Grade 6: Focused preparation for high school, ensuring you're familiar with the academic expectations and workload.
Grades 7 & 8 : In-depth exploration of fundamental Math and Science concepts, plus dedicated focus on understanding poetry.

What's included:
Small group classes: Learn and interact in a small group setting (2.5 hours per class).
Comprehensive study materials: Receive weekly notes for Math & Science, featuring clear explanations, worked examples, diagrams, and memory aids.
Regular assessments: Track your progress with weekly trial tests in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science.
Online homework: Reinforce learning with one Labvision homework module per term (10 attempts allowed).

$105 per class
$1050 per term (10 classes)

Download Junior High course outline here.

E: admin@learnikx.com.au  |  M : 0405 349 886   |  Suite 1804, 122 Arthur Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060